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AHRD Conference Minneapolis

Academy of Human Resource Development, 1-4 maart 2023

I presented my research during the 30th international research conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development.

It was amazing to share my insights and learn from leading HRD scholars. And to attend as many sessions as I possibly could. Especially those that focus on Critical, Social Justice, and Diversity Perspectives in HRD. Sessions that foreground HRD in connection to race, gender, class, intersectionality, LGBTQ+ employees, power, ethics and more.

Next Learning Conference 2023

18 april 2023

Echt fijn om weer een sessie te verzorgen over inclusief trainen en leren tijdens Next Learning 2023.

Dit is zo’n belangrijk onderwerp voor alle L&D professionals. Want als een leerprogramma niet alle deelnemers de kans geeft om optimaal te leren, hoe kan het dan effectief zijn? Alvast een inzicht: de neutrale aanpak, oftewel het negeren van bijv. gender, etniciteit en klasse, betekent niet dat je programma inclusief is, en gelijke kansen ondersteunt.

Hoe word je een inclusieve L&D-professional

Next Learning 2022, April 11, 2022

Diversiteit, inclusiviteit en gelijke kansen zijn terugkerende thema’s in de maatschappij. Ook organisaties hechten er steeds meer belang aan.

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How to design and facilitate inclusive and equitable training for a.s.r.

a.s.r. leveranciers dag, June 29, 2022

Truly ground-breaking: a.s.r. , a major Dutch Insurance company, invited all their L&D providers to discuss how to ensure a.s.r. training and learning is inclusive and equitable.

I was honoured to be invited to share the insights and recommendations from my research.

Gender Hotspot 10 year anniversary conference

Nijmegen School of Management. Institute for Management Research, 2 september 2022

To boldly go beyond! That was the theme of the gender & power conference to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the Gender Hotspot at Radboud University School of Management.

I am grateful for the fantastic practitioner panel with Yelly Weidenaar, Joanny Lijbers, dr. Channah Herschberg, Pascalle Grotenhuis and Bente Keulen who push for gender equality in their companies, government institutions and organisations. And who joined me in exploring:

  • our take on effective gender equality practice
  • the interaction with other social categories
  • how to ‘boldly go beyond’, personally and in our organizations

Breaking Gender Bias in Corporate Training and Development

LEAD Network, 13 september 2022

Annually, over $330 billion is spent globally on corporate training. Let’s ensure that all these investments and resources are a force for good, and that they do not create inequities.

How can training create inequities? Basically, by ignoring the impact of social categories such as gender – before, during and after a training programme. And assuming that treating everybody the same = equity of learning. Thank you LEAD Network Europe for being that force for good and organizing a wonderful session on Breaking Gender Bias in Corporate Training and Development.

Learning 2022, Orlando Florida

Learning Guild, 6 november 2022

Presenting at the #Learning22 conference in Orlando was really special.

It was a great opportunity to share and discuss the equity and inclusiveness of learning with L&D peers. And it was so encouraging to hear how participants were inspired by the role that L&D can (should) play. And how people plan to action that role, when back in their companies and organisations.

ICM didactische trainingsdag

Datum: ICM, November 13, 2021

Sta jij er wel eens bij stil dat jouw training een belangrijk invloed kan hebben op een hogere kansengelijkheid en een inclusievere samenleving? Na deze training kijk je met een andere blik naar jouw deelnemers en zul je op diverse vlakken andere keuzes maken die een inclusievere training bevorderen.