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Enhance Facilitation

Enhance Equity of Training

Enables and empowers learning professionals and their clients to ensure their training and development is equitable and inclusive.

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Enhance Commercial Capability

Designs and delivers world-class, inclusive, and effective Learning and Development programmes. 

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”There is a growing view that learning is relational, situated and socially reproduced, (however) the ‘social’ in social learning is rarely understood as something structured and defined by gender, race or class (Swan, Stead and Elliott, 2009 p432)”

Highlighted publication

Sex/gender-blind training maintains and creates inequity

Sex/gender-blind training maintains and creates inequity

Gender, Work & Organization, vol 30, no 3 p. 917-936

As training theory and practice may not sufficiently recognize the role and impact of sex and gender, this study aims to understand to what extent current corporate training practices fulfil expectations of gender equity and inclusion.

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Highlighted event


Next Learning Conference 2023

18 april 2023

Echt fijn om weer een sessie te verzorgen over inclusief trainen en leren tijdens Next Learning 2023.

Dit is zo’n belangrijk onderwerp voor alle L&D professionals. Want als een leerprogramma niet alle deelnemers de kans geeft om optimaal te leren, hoe kan het dan effectief zijn? Alvast een inzicht: de neutrale aanpak, oftewel het negeren van bijv. gender, etniciteit en klasse, betekent niet dat je programma inclusief is, en gelijke kansen ondersteunt.